Always Well Within

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How To Be Happy Even Though It's the Holidays

flowers in the snow Isn’t it ironic that so much depression occurs around the holidays - theoretically the time of joy and goodwill?  Not to mention all out, over the top stress.  And dread -  the feeling you just have to hold on tight and make it through to the New Year.

We’re so tuned into meeting everyone's expectations, demands, wishes, and requests, we hardly take time to consider what we truly want.

You can have a happy holiday, but it means being fully honest with yourself.  Take some time to ask yourself these questions.  Let your imagination run freely. Give your most candid answers:

  • What kind of holiday would you really like to have?
  • What would you eliminate if you “could”?
  • What would you add if you “could”?
  • What holds you back from having the holiday you would like to have?
  • What’s one step you could take today towards the holiday you truly want?

Happiness - to a great degree - is about being mindful and making choices.  You will be faced with countless decision points this holiday season.  Will you respond on automatic or as expected till you are burned up and dried out?

Or, will you pause each time and ask:

  • “Is this what I really want to do?”
  • “Will it be too much for me?”
  • “How will I feel tomorrow?"
  • “Will it cost too much?”
  • "Will it put me in debt?"
  • "Will it endanger myself or others?"

Will you notice resistance as it manifests in your body:  tightening muscles, a furrowed brow, words caught in your throat that can’t quite come out?

You could even open the door to entirely new possibilities by taking a risk and asking family or friends, “Can we do the holidays a little differently this year?”  You could inquire:  "Could we skip gifts, alcohol, a tree, sweets, or [fill in the blanks].

And, you don't have to change it all around this holiday season if that feels like too much. Make one important change this year and another one next year.

Its' all up to you.

I know it's not necessarily easy, but it gets easier once you take your first step.   If you find it difficult to say no to others, read my primer on saying yes to you.

You have a choice.  Give yourself the gift of the holiday you truly want and deserve.  Whatever that looks like for you.

Do you feel pressured to meet other people's expectations during the holidays?  Are the holidays a time of happiness or stress for you?  Have you made positive changes to your holiday routine?

Thank you for your presence, I know your time is precious!  Don’t forget to sign up for my e-letter and get access to all the free self-development resources (e-books, mini-guides + worksheets) in the Always Well Within Library. May you be happy, well, and safe – always.  With love, Sandra
