Always Well Within

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How to Navigate Change with Confidence & Ease

Does it seem like someone turned the stir and shake button on high lately?  Have you received unexpected news?  Do you feel extra emotional?  Frayed by the intensity in the air?  Does time seem accelerated or has it slowed down?

It's eclipse season.

Eclipses often herald sudden change in our lives.  It's unusual to have three eclipses in a month's time, but that's precisely what's happening right now.

  • June 1:  Partial Solar Eclipse
  • June 15:  Total Lunar Eclipse
  • July 1:  Partial Solar Eclipse

Eclipses arrive to help us change and grow.  With so much eclipse activity in play, almost everyone will be seeing shifts this time around.

A solar eclipse is associated with beginnings.  They often make us feel happy.  A lunar eclipse is usually connected with endings and culminations.  Given the quality of the moon, memories, dreams, and emotions may also be stirred up.

The effect of an eclipse may be felt a full month ahead and/or a full month afterward.  But it may take more time to fully integrate the change that comes about during an eclipse.  Eclipses are also said to have a second phase that occurs six month later.

The changes that occur during a period of eclipse are typically sparked by an outside influence over which you may have no control.  This influence may be dramatic, but it also might be a minor event or passing comment that speaks to your core or gives you a brand new perspective.

Navigating Change with Greater Ease

A sudden, surprising, and significant shift occurred for me around June 1st.  Not earth shattering, but a threat to my highly valued peace and quiet.  It threw me into a tizzy for a short while.  Not surprising since change from an eclipse seems to come out of the blue.

It took a day or so, but I realized that the tizzy was causing more distress to my sense of peace than the perceived threat. So I grabbed hold of the reins of my mind and regained my sense of balance and power.  Here are some tips and insights that helped me right myself.  I hope they will help you too.

1. Change Is Good

Personally, I don't like change so I have a hard time buying this one.  But, I know it's true.  While it might feel difficult in the moment, usually, when we look back six months or a year later, we are immensely grateful for the changes that have taken place.  Often, it's only in hindsight that we see how blocked we might have been or the enormous positive impact of the change.

2.  Resistance Is Futile

You can resist but it will only bring suffering.  The change brought about by an eclipse can feel enforced and often has a sense of finality about it.  So it makes far more sense to try leaning into the change.  Once the change is underway, usually there's no going back.

3.  Wait and See

The emotions that arise during eclipse season - especially during a lunar eclipse - can cloud our judgment.  It's wise to wait and see what's really happening before making any serious decisions or conclusions.  The situation may not be as bad as it originally seemed.  This is not the same as resistance unless you get stuck in wait and see.

4.  Ask, What Can I Learn?

While we might not like the element of surprise, eclipses are here to help us blossom.  They shine a light on where we need to evolve and so help us to mature and grow.   New opportunities are often presented.  Take some time for introspection.  Consider your take on the changes presented to you.  Look at your resistance.  Imagine new possibilities.  Entertain surrender.

5.  Apply Flexibility and Ingenuity

It's all too easy to feel like a victim when unwanted change occurs.  Empower yourself by applying flexibility and ingenuity.  For example, you might not like loud music, but you can negotiate, use ear protection headphones, get out of the house more, or even move if push comes to shove.  Instead of feeling stuck, look for creative solutions.

Eclipse season isn't the only time that change occurs in our life.  But it is a time when change often takes us by surprise.  Nevertheless, we can regain our balance and ride the change toward meaningful personal evolution.

Has your life been stirred up of late?  How do you navigate change?

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