Always Well Within

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How Do You Really Spend Your Precious Time?

Autumn - Time Tracking

“Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?” ― Mary Oliver

On an absolute level, time is a figment of our imagination.  Nothing exists but the present moment.

On a relative level, however, this lifetime is finite.  Therefore, we need to make clear choices with our time or we’ll end up dissatisfied and full of regrets.

Understanding the absolute perspective can bring humor when we get all tied in knots about time.  Understanding the relative perspective ensures we act responsibly and gain the most out of our limited time on this earth.

A Time Tracking Adventure

I often feel like there's not enough time for all that I would like to do.  But is that really true?  I’ve decided to track how I spend my time for a week to find out for sure.  I've done this before and found it to be so effective and clarifying.

Would you like to join me?

If so, you can download my free 7-Day Time Tracking Log, when you sign up for my newsletter and free self-discovery resources. Let’s take this adventure into the labyrinth of time together.  If 7 days seems too long, then try it out for 3 days or even 1 day.

Time Tracking Log

The purpose of time tracking is to understand how you're actually spending your time.

You’ll discover:

  • What you’re really doing, not what you think you’re doing.
  • Where you use your time efficiently, where you  waste time.
  • How much time it actually takes to do a particular task.  Often, we grossly underestimate the time involved in any particular activity.  At least I do!

Some people say they’re afraid to track their time.  They’re afraid to find out the truth.  I understand, but it might also be one of the most liberating experiments you’ll ever do.

Each week offers you 168 hours - no more, no less.  I want to find out how I’m using those hours.  With a clear picture, I'll be able to reorganize, prioritize, or eliminate to decrease stress and increase contentment.

Are you in?

Do you know how you spend your time - really?  How do you feel about the prospect of tracking your time?  I would love to hear.

Thank you for your presence, I know your time is precious!  Don’t forget to sign up for my e-letter and get access to all the free self-development resources (e-books, mini-guides + worksheets) in the Always Well Within Library. May you be happy, well, and safe – always.  With love, Sandra
